Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It All Begins - The Disclaimer

It might seem odd to start a blog with a disclaimer, but they say to remember your audience when you write and that caused a bit of a brain blockage over here. In case you don't know or don't remember correctly. There are 4 children in this family and that doesn't leave me a lot of time for typing really. So there can only be one blog. But then, who should be the audience, my future readership?

Since the blog is set to private, it won't be the great cyber unwashed, so anonymity is out. If I choose friends then I can complain and groan about the idiosyncracies and just plain annoying bits in all of our relations, but the grandparents might get upset about not getting access to all the up to date info and photos and I certainly don't want to have to post them twice.

If I choose family, then I have to be more careful about what I say in order to preserve relationships with people who would not normally choose to be within my friend circle, and no, my chosen friends, they would probably not like you either, so that throws a bit of a kink in the works really.

In the end it seemed best to just invite everybody and write what I want to write with a nice disclaimer at the beginning. So here it is:

Please remember that no matter much I might love and/or appreciate you, sometimes you will still annoy the pants off of me. Even you, my darling husband. So when a small complaint appears that you feel might be directed at you, so it may be, but please do not take large offense. You have probably been annoying me in these small ways for years and hopefully we still get along fine. Take a deep breath and move on. I might even be talking about someone else!

You might find that something from what you feel is long ago has reared it head, quite unneccessarily, again. Two points:

a: I might be elaborating for the newer people in my circle who may not have the whole history at their fingertips and I want to get the whole sordid tale out for them to help them understand the way I feel now. This telling may not be unbiased, but hey, it's my blog, what, really, do you expect, journalism?

b: It might be that unbeknownst to you, what you consider old news, long buried, might still in fact be a bit raw for me/us. If you never realized before, that is because I do try to smooth things over when I can. This blog, unfortunately, allows things to be recorded so that people can read them over and over. Sometimes my better judgment gets away from me and I vent a bit. This does not mean that I hate you or that I am always walking around harboring resentment and muttering evil things about you. Just that sometimes I want to let it all out. If it is bothering you, skip that post. It was clearly meant for a target group that you are not a member of.

Always remember you are still part of the select group that gets to read my cyberdiary (tee hee, twitter, twitter) and I am trying to be fair to everyone while I am writing, as much as I am able.

Finally if it all gets to be too much for you and you can't take it anymore, please stop reading. The photos are clearly not worth it for you. Preserve our relationship in whatever way you can! We are worth it in real life if not on the computer screen!

Lots of Love to you all.

1 comment:

Katie said...

wow. that disclaimer was slightly terrifying. :) but I know when you talk of your sister it will be only sunshine and roses ;P