Friday, April 4, 2008

Here We Go Again

One of my goals in starting this blog was to force myself to write about the good things and not focus so much on the yuckier parts of my life, as well as sharing all of our adventures with everyone. To that end I promised myself that I would post at least one thing every week.

So this week as I was recovering from the gastric fun on Monday I kept saying that as soon as I feel better I will post about how awesome it was that Jon managed to get home Monday night instead of Tuesday morning (it was awesome) or how nice it was that he was home when the gastric bug hit me, so I could lie in bed on Weds morning and groan while he ran the kids to school.

Somehow though, between lying on the bed and groaning and trying to deal with Willa and her run ins with a girl in her class (how can this be starting already?!) I never really had the time to type. So I figured that Fri morning (right now in fact) I would make time to type while all the big kids were at school and Simon was napping. I figured I could talk about party plans and how messy the house is (truly scary, verging on unsanitary). Instead I made the very big mistake of eating dinner last night.

It was pretty inocuous, baked chicken, rice and broccoli, but somehow mixed with my insides, it produced enough gas to run our furnace for an hour or two. Gas, which did not want to stay inside me. So I suffered through until about 10:30pm by which time I was too tired to care and went to bed. And let me say that Jon should be very very grateful he was not sharing a room with me last night.

Oh wait, did you catch that? Yes, Jon was not home last night. Is not going to be home until Sat. afternoon in fact. So what does that mean for me? Well, frankly, the usual. At 2am Hazel called out to me in a panic. She had thrown up in her bed. Fortunately it was more like catsick than regular kids' vomit so relatively easy to clean up. I threw her in the shower, her sheets in the washing machine and set up a sleeping bag, but which time she was vehemently opposed to where the sleeping bag was located (on her bed) and screamed bloody murder, which Simon thought was the 'call to milk'.

So I fed him and put her on the floor and went back to bed, but Hazel was having trouble settling down after all that excitment and kept getting up to go pee or get me or just call to me. Everytime I put her back to bed, Simon would pop up. You could see it on his face, "Cool! The milk wagon is here again!" By the fourth time of seeing me with no milk forthcoming he decided to scream bloody murder and didn't stop until I fed him again. By the time everyone was back in bed and falling asleep it was 4:15am.

I got up with the alarm at 6:30am and got in a shower. I figured I would drive everyone to school (it was raining again) and then stop at the supermarket on the way home to get milk and pull ups. Willa and Jude got up feeling okay and had breakfast. Simon woke up in a fantastic mood. He is clearly feeling better.

Then Hazel woke up, all smiles, and came into the dining room, looked at Willa and Jude eating and threw up all over her feet. It was down hill from there. She kept trying to sneak food, while looking sicker and sicker. By the time we left for school 15 minutes later, I had to carry her to the car. We did get milk and pull ups and pedialyte freezer pops on the way home and Hazel looks terrible.

She is lying on the couch in a sleeping bag staring at Dora the Explorer. Watching would be too active a verb for what she is doing. No fever, but she is sick sick sick. I am wondering if I should take her in.

Ah well, we have about 24 hours before Jon gets back. I'm sure it will get worse before it gets better. Gotta run, Simon just caught his finger in the screen door.

back again: In the interest of remembering the positive, I wanted to point out that when Willa and Jude watched Hazel puke all over herself and then not be allowed to eat while clearly getting sicker, they got out their markers and sat down and made her cards before they went to school. They made envelopes for them and everything. The cards are sitting on the dining table waiting for Hazel to feel a little bit better so we can read them together.

1 comment:

herding3cats said...

Ah, the thrill of the stomach-bug-racing-through-the-family days! Isn't it time for spring up there yet?? Keep up with that laundry, Kim! Here's sending you thoughts of clean sheets from Durham.