Monday, May 31, 2010

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

No time to type right now. We got the room painted on Sat and the floor mostly down, but discovered on Sunday that I hadn't ordered enough floor tiles, ugh, and that I was coming down with a nasty bug, double ugh. So Sunday and today I mostly lay in bed and shivered and came downstairs when Jon needed help with eyeballing something and then crawled back upstairs and collapsed again.

Jon did get a lot done though and I will order more tile tomorrow, hopefully if I can't get the same color lots, the difference won't be too obvious. The kids watched a lot of tv and Simon spent most of today naked since I managed to get him to take off his pjs before I collapsed, but he resisted putting on any clothes by himself. It was a little bit Lord of the Flies in the playroom. Still Jon has to get back to work tomorrow and therefore so do I.

Wish we had a sink first, but them's the breaks.

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