Friday, April 18, 2008

After School Today

Yes, this is all in our backyard and bit down the creek into our neighbor's yard. It is really too bad that this house floods eh?

And no pictures of Willa because she was stuck inside doing homework for her French class tomorrow. Enjoy.

It's a sucker fish, although one of the neighbor kids did catch a 6 inch rainbow trout as well. We threw them all back. There were a lot more than what you see.

The back view of the tent.

Well they are all in there. In the '2 Man' bedroom. We'll see if any sleeping goes on. Otherwise it is real beds by 8pm.


Katie said...

Did mom and dad sleep in the tent? There better be an update post. I wanna hear all about the night in the tent...or going back to the house.

Vinnie said...

You live is paradise. Well, except for the flooding.

I love love love the tent and the creek and the fish and everything.